Data Co-op Update Logs - Issue #31

Note from the Founders

"The continued expansion of the co-op membership is creating a larger validation 'foot print' and higher confidence in data accuracy."

Overview & Key Highlights:

  1. SCHEMA UPDATES: for Universal Person and B2B Contact files
  2. NEW FEATURES: a) job_title_last_updated, b) company_last_updated (current employer), and c) programmatic_business_emails (helps with b2b email linkage) were added to the B2B Contact and Universal Person exports
  3. B2B CONTACT DATA FRESHNESS: 111M of the B2B contacts have an active validation signal associated with them

In the works: We’re working on scoring models to improve record accuracy and recency. Additionally, we're exposing Company_ID, LinkedIn bio, work history, and education features to B2B and UP.

Universal Person Export:

Key features added to Universal Person:

  • job_title_last_updated feature added, this is a UNIX timestamp.
  • company_last_updated feature added, this is a UNIX timestamp.
  • programmatic_business_emails feature added. This feature contains an array of all common business email formats, using the person's first and last name.

Continued increases in key B2B features:

  • 7% increase in mobile phones
  • 13% increase in LinkedIn URLs
  • 7% increase in company names
  • 13% increase in postal addresses
  • 49% increase in company LinkedIn URLs
  • 52% of titles received an update or confirmation
  • 57% of contact records received an update or confirmation for current employer
  • 91% of B2B contacts have a validation signal

B2B Contact Export:

The theme of this release has been centered around affirming and updating the most recent role and employer associations. This process is setting the stage and orientating the data for the release of the new company_ID in September.

Key features added to B2B Export:

  • job_title_last_updated feature added, this is a UNIX timestamp.
  • company_last_updated feature added, this is a UNIX timestamp.
  • programmatic_business_emails feature added. This field contains an array of all common business email formats, using the person's first and last name.

Note: Includes all of the count increases in the Universal Person file.

Updates by Product :  

*Product names link to schemas

Product Name

Current Ver, Date


Universal Person

1.1, 8/1/23

Schema change: job_title_last_updated, company_last_updated, and programmatic_business_emails features added.

B2B Contact Data

5.2, 8/1/23

Schema change: Universal Person ID (up_id) feature replaces person_id.
job_title_last_updated, company_last_updated, and programmatic_business_emails features added.


1.3, 7/31/23

Data Refresh


2.11, 7/31/23

Data Refresh

MAID/HEM Extract

2.21, 7/18/23

IP/MAID Extract

1.21, 7/18/23

IP/MAID DA Extract

1.17, 7/18/23


1.17, 7/18/23

B2C Contact Data

2.0, 6/26/23

Firmographic Data

1.9, 6/27/23

Intent/Behavioral Log File

1.1, 5/26/23

Digital Activation

1.1, 5/26/23

Cookie Pool

1.1, 5/26/23

If you are subscribed to the B2B, Universal Person, Firmographic, IP2Company, or IP2HEM exports, you'll receive a separate email with the bucket locations.

Please email if you have any questions regarding the most recent data delivery updates and if there are any data projects or issues that you’d like to see prioritized that we haven't mentioned.

We appreciate all your feedback,

Nick Weldon, Founder of The Data Co-op